
Aug. 2023 - Present

Cambridge, MA

InstaDeep  -  Research Scientist

  • Designed and implemented different multi-modal LLMs for multiple genomics applications including gene expression analysis, single-cell transcriptomics, annotation, and alignment
  • Refactored existing training pipelines to adapt to different needs such as multitask training or text-based prediction
  • Contributed to the development of an internal Transformers library
  • Designed and supervised multiple hiring pipelines for different research positions at the company

Jun. 2021 - May 2022

Cambridge, MA

Google Brain (now Google DeepMind)Research Scientist Intern

  • Designed and implemented a multi-objective meta evolution framework, MetaPG, to simultaneously optimize multiple Reinforcement Learning goals and understand underlying tradeoffs
  • When applied to a use case on evolving RL algorithms that optimize high returns, generalizability, and stability, our method was able to find algorithms that improve upon SAC's performance and generalizability by 3% and 17%, respectively, and reduce instability up to 65%
  • Actively engaged with researchers among the Reinforcement Learning, AutoML, and Robotics teams at Google Brain

Sep. 2018 - Jul. 2023

Cambridge, MA

MIT  -  Graduate Research Assistant

  • Conducted fully-funded research on Reinforcement Learning and Mathematical Programming algorithms for Dynamic Resource Management in satellite mega-constellations
  • Initiated and led a sponsored 2-year long research project on RL for drug discovery
  • Led a team of 4 graduate students working on the design of the next generation of Resource Allocation and Revenue Management systems for highly-flexible mega-constellations
  • Responsible for coordinating monthly reports to a sponsor company (SES), holding a semiannual review with the CTO and other senior managers, and co-organizing periodic knowledge transfer workshops with engineers at the company
  • Mentored 10 undergraduate students and directly supervised 4 undergraduate Thesis

Summer 2020


Novartis AI Innovation Lab  -  Machine Learning Engineer Intern

  • Developed Deep Reinforcement Learning models for molecular design and molecular property optimization, achieving better performance than state-of-the-art models on a subset of tests from the Guacamol benchmark suite
  • The project was framed inside a collaboration between Novartis and Microsoft Research, I routinely presented my work to researchers in both companies

Nov. 2017 - Jun. 2018

Barcelona, Spain

ARCVI  -  Data Scientist

  • Developed injury risk prediction models that outperformed previous methods' accuracy by 20% (impact of 90-170k€)
  • Defined a new disposal architecture for 1,500 vending machines by means of Mathematical Programming, with an estimated impact of 380k€
  • Developed consumption likelihood models for retail vendors and designed commercial strategies using behavioral economics principles
  • Co-authored the business report Adoption and Impact of Big Data and Advanced Analytics in Spain [Spanish version]

Sep. 2016 - Dec. 2016

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona Supercomputing Center  -  Undergraduate Research Assistant

  • Adapted different Machine Learning models for large-scale multiprocessing architectures
  • After testing on the MareNostrum 4 supercomputer, our algorithms resulted in a 10x speed increase for high-dimensional clustering tasks

Expertise and skills

Participation in conferences, workshops, and courses

2024 - Reviewer - AI for Space Workshop at CVPR 2024

2023 - Reviewer - IEEE Communications Magazine

2023 - Lecturer - Lecturer at the Summer School "La rebelión de los chips: ética e inteligencia artificial" (Spain)

2023 - Reviewer - Interactive Learning with Implicit Human Feedback Workshop at ICML 2023

2022 - Reviewer - Reinforcement Learning for Real Life Workshop at NeurIPS 2022

2022 - Reviewer - IEEE Wireless Communications Letters

2022 - Presenter - International Astronautical Congress 2022

2022 - Presenter - Generalizable Policy Learning for the Physical World Workshop at ICLR 2022

2022 - Presenter - AI to Accelerate Science and Engineering Workshop at AAAI 2022

2021 - Presenter - Reinforcement Learning for Real Life Workshop at ICML 2021

2021 - Reviewer - Reinforcement Learning for Real Life Workshop at ICML 2021

2021 - Presenter - IEEE Aerospace Conference 2021

2020 - Presenter - IEEE Aerospace Conference 2020

2019 - Presenter - Reinforcement Learning for Real Life Workshop at ICML 2019

2019 - Presenter - IEEE Cognitive Communications for Aerospace Applications Workshop